As a key player in digital defense, Avantix, an Eviden business will participate in SOFINS 2025, a major event where delegations from international special forces meet with manufacturers to address the operational needs of today and tomorrow. Avantix’s experts will be presenting solutions designed to support critical decision-making by mastering the intelligence spectrum Discover our […]

Booth B45 C 46March 28 – 30, Camp de Souge, Bordeaux region, FranceAvantix will be present at SOFINS 2023, the 10 years anniversary of the Special Operations Forces Innovation Network Seminar next March, from 28th to 30th.How can data cycle management and intelligence mastery create a decisive digital advantage to Special Forces?Come and visit us at […]

Booth F10May 10-12 in Parc des Expositions de Montpellier, FranceAvantix will be present at AOC Europe, the annual international electronic warfare event organized by the Association of Old Crows. Meet our experts at booth F10 to discuss our electronic warfare capabilities:ELINT / R-ESM systemsELINT simulation,Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance,COMINT / C-ESM,Space situational awareness With its satellite, airborne, naval, […]

Stand 5 L199 October 19-22 in Paris Nord Villepinte, Paris FRANCE. Avantix will be present at Milipol 2021, the homeland security and safety event.From open seas to target signal intelligence, we will showcase our electronicwarfare capabilities that support homeland security and safety.With its satellite, airborne, naval, in-vehicle and portable solutions, Avantix provides homeland securityagencies with end-to-end, […]

STAND A34 July, 13-15 Metropolitan Expo Athens, Greece Meet Avantix at DEFEA, the international defense and security exhibition held in Athens, Greece, from July, 13-15 2021. Learn more about FlashHawk, our airborne COMINT CESM solution for next generation ISR missions. Contact us

STAND D8 June, 29th – July, 1st Camp de Souge, FRANCE Meet Avantix defense expert at SOFINS, the international event dedicated to special forces, taking place June, 29th to July, 1st in Camp de Souge, Bordeaux region (France). From satellite to back-pack solutions for intelligence missions: Avantix will showcase its end-to-end SIGINT capabilities. Let’s meet

Meet us at EW and Radar KSA, booth 6 09th-10th March 2020 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Come and talk about the future of EW with Avantix experts. MEET US @ EW & RADAR KSA 2020 09th-10th March 2020 – Saudi Arabia