

Avantix delivers Flashhawk to INCAS

Avantix delivers its FlashHawk airborne Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) system to Romania’s National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (INCAS) Aix-en-Provence, France – 22 May, 2024 Following an order placed in 2023, Avantix delivered its FlashHawk airborne COMINT/C-ESM[1]  solution to INCAS. In collaboration with INCAS, Avantix  is now finalizing the integration of the FlashHawk solution […]

Avantix signs export of FlashHawk with INCAS

      Aix-en-Provence, France – 23 March, 2023 Avantix today announces that it has signed a contract with the National Institute for Aerospace Research of Romania (INCAS) for the sale of its “FlashHawk” airborne C-ESM[1] solution for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR). This latest export win for FlashHawk comes just a few months after […]

Successful flight-testing campaign achieved for Flashhawk

Aix-en-Provence, France – October 12th , 2021. Avantix today announces that its “FlashHawk” COMINT/C-ESM[1] airborne solution for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) has been successfully tested and evaluated by the French Armament General Directorate (Direction générale de l’armement, DGA) which was thus able to get an overview of the performances of the integrated system – following a […]

FlashHawk will fly on Diamond DA62 MPP

Avantix and Diamond Aircraft partner to offer DA62 MPP (Multi-Purpose Platform) unique capability of instantaneous 3D geolocation of all ground communication emitters FlashHawk, Avantix’s instantaneous 3D geolocation of RF emission system will be featured as an optional sensor for the Diamond DA62 MPP. The integration of FlashHawk will expand the DA62 MPP’s surveillance offerings, broadening […]

Avantix airborne EW systems
Why instant 3D geolocation will become standard in airborne ISR
They talk about us

Watch Shephard Media video to learn more about FlashHawk , Avantix innovative Airborne C-ESM solution. Click to watch the video

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