
Avantix signs export of FlashHawk with INCAS




Aix-en-Provence, France – 23 March, 2023

Avantix today announces that it has signed a contract with the National Institute for Aerospace Research of Romania (INCAS) for the sale of its “FlashHawk” airborne C-ESM[1] solution for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR).

This latest export win for FlashHawk comes just a few months after the solution has been successfully tested and evaluated by the French Armament General Directorate (Direction générale de l’armement, DGA).

INCAS is mandated by the Romanian Ministry of Education, through its Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding Unit, to identify and acquire innovative and advanced airborne ISR solutions. FlashHawk will support the Institute's ambitions for intelligence and critical situation management.

The system will be an important element of research on Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) and its use by authorities in crisis situations such as natural disaster response, search and rescue efforts following various emergencies, border protection or law enforcement. FlashHawk will be one of the sensors carried by the manned component of the system and will be used to accompany the drones to areas of interest, depending on the mission parameters.

FlashHawk by Avantix provides an instantaneous 3D geolocation image of ground emitters from the air. FlashHawk is supporting ISR operators to get an immediate tactical situation awareness of emitter on the ground under the aircraft up to the horizon 360° around it. Combined with the existing aircraft electro-optical/infra-red sensor, it allows rapid target identification for actionable intelligence.



“I am delighted with this contract to export FlashHawk. By delivering our ISR solution to the National Institute for Aerospace Research of Romania within a few months, we are proving that we are ready for the market, and that we can offer a complete solution to a member country of the European Union and NATO, with the aim of enabling operational excellence in the field of intelligence.” said Bernard Payer, CEO, Avantix.

Avantix will provide INCAS with the FlashHawk solution, integration support, and maintenance services. Watch the dedicated video introducing FlashHawk and find out more here:

[1] COMINT: Communication Intelligence – part of SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), dedicated to electronic warfare actions. C-ESM: Communication Electronic Support Measures – provides tactical situation awareness via radio communication interception and direction finding.

About Avantix

Avantix is a French company that designs critical high-tech systems for strategic industry sectors worldwide. Its solutions combine electronics and information technology, delivering rapid innovation to its customers. The highly skilled Avantix teams enable fast deployment and long-term maintenance of its solutions. Avantix electronic warfare technology provides homeland protection and military forces with the capability to control the electromagnetic spectrum, including weak and short duration signals. This delivers advanced knowledge of threats and superior tactical situational awareness. Avantix supplies modular components as well as end-to-end systems, ensuring fluid data flow all the way from sensors to analytics, supporting decision-makers in the best way possible. Its solutions are designed to be robust, extending the operational breadth of missions.

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